Monday, October 13, 2014

It's been a while...

Hello Again

Sorry it's been so long! Things have been crazy in the Myers household. I recently changed jobs, my wife is heading back to work soon, and my college life has been fairly busy. So here are a few updates!


Akeyzia is healthy as can be! My wife weighed her yesterday, and she is coming in at a whopping 10.7 lbs! The checkups have been great, we have an ultrasound on her hips coming up soon since she was born breach. This is to check to ensure that her joints and development of that area is doing fine since she was sitting awkward for a few months.

This and That

Tons of things have been happening in our realm! Akeyzia has now been following us around the room, which shows that her eyesight is developing very well. The fantastic part of my day is when she goes cross-eyed. As bad as it seems to laugh, you can't help it! If your baby goes cross-eyed it is completely normal. Babies normally do not get complete control of their eyes until around six months. 

We also had her baptism on October 5th. We chose to do it outside, and not in a church due to some restrictions with performing a baptism in the Catholic church. She will be raised Catholic, but we received a certificate she was baptized so we can take her to any church of our choosing.

A Love Like No Other

You love your S.O. that's a given. The love you feel for your little one is a love that is unmatched in any area of your life, and that is OK! I love this girl with everything I have, and I also love my wife with all my heart. The feeling you have for your bundle of joy is going to make you think much differently about EVERYTHING you do from driving your car to buying a coffee. You now not only have your S.O. to worry about, but another human being that relies on you to pass down knowledge and teachings that only a parent can give.

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