Monday, September 15, 2014


Feeding can be a hassle. Whether you plan to formula feed or breast feed, each comes with its own set of challenges. With our daughter, the plan was mainly to breast feed with no formula to save tons of money. Unfortunately, our first night in the hospital we were told by the nursery that Akeyzia's sugar levels were very low so they had to give her a bottle to help get the levels up. All bets were off from there, and she learned the greatness of instant gratification.

Some things the hospital may not tell you but your pediatrician will include:

  1. Feed between every 2-3 hours, but be sure to be consistent. 
  2. Always make sure the baby takes the full feeding. If they do not take the full feeding and you just let it go, it can cause a 'grazing' phase with the baby and they will always seem hungry.
  3. Don't mix formula and breast milk.
  4. Don't switch between formulas.
  5. If you baby is gassy, try the sensitive stomach forms of formula. Currently we had to switch to Similac sensitive stomachs. 
  6. Burping is encouraged, but it's not the end of the world if they don't burp.

That is all for today! Sorry for the short posts as of late. Things are crazy here at the Myers household! I appreciate you reading this blog! Due to recent requests I will be looking to post on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with an occasional Saturday/Sunday post. Topics will include: Health/Food/Formula, Cleaning (Both house and infant), Safety/Life Events (of Akeyzia), and Toys/Accessories/Etc.

As always, feel free to shoot me an email with questions or anything you'd like covered on this blog

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